Shaping the Future

Notre mission est de responsabiliser les étudiants en créant un environnement qui leur permet d'être créatif et les guide pour développer leurs passions, leur pensée critique, leur compassion et leur orientation vers la sagesse pour la création de valeur, créant ainsi une main-d'œuvre de classe mondiale basée sur l'humanité et les normes de l'industrie.


At UIECC-JAGORA, we are dedicated to fostering personal and professional growth through our exceptional program designed to empower individuals and inspire them to reach their full potential. Our program is carefully curated to address the unique needs and aspirations of participants, providing them with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to excel in their chosen fields.

A 3-year Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program aims to provide students with the required skills, information, and training in these fields so that they may better understand how to manage a successful business's finances, marketing, and administration.
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The Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) is a three-year Undergraduate program that imparts extensive knowledge in Computer Fundamentals, Programming Languages, Database Systems, Information Security, web development, and so on to the students with a fundamental and advanced understanding of Information Technology and Computer Applications.
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The Jagora-KLU-UIECC MBA in Digital Marketing is a Master of Business Administration degree program that focuses on digital marketing strategies, techniques, and tools and covers topics such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, email marketing, social media marketing, digital analytics, and mobile marketing, among others.
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Innovate, Implement and Run your, Business to be a Successful Entrepreneur. Candidates who aspire to launch, oversee, or manage businesses might consider the JU-KLU-UIECC Master-MBA in Entrepreneurship. Along with the emphasis on entrepreneurship, small business management, legal education, and financial innovation are also stressed.
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What they say after the trainings

Années de travail

Our Surdents

“Our Students” is a section dedicated to showcasing the vibrant and diverse community of students who are an integral part of our institution.